Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Beautiful Game

Edson Arantes do Nascimento, more well known as Pele revolutionized the game of soccer. In an era where players where playing basic attack and defense Pele was in a league of his own. Pele was one of the first players in the professional scene who was able to use both of his feet effectively. He implemented pull backs and rolled the ball with the bottom of the foot. He had complete control, dancing with the ball in fluid motion, turning the game of soccer into the beautiful game. His unique ability was a result of his hard work and dedication. He mostly contributes this pursuit of greatness to his love of the game. While he was intrinsically motivated to personally improve his desire to win also had a role to play.

At age 17 he was already competing in the World Cup on the Brazilian national team and contributed greatly to them winning the competition. He would go on to win 2 more World Cup’s during his time on the national team. With the three wins he holds the record for most wins even today.
Pele’s air attacks and unique style has had a lasting impact on the game of soccer. Many of the greats that have followed him including Maradona and Messi play in the same style that he did years ago.

1 comment:

  1. Pele revolutionized soccer because he didn't how else to play except when using his "ginga" style. Coaches tried to coach him up on the "European" style of play, but he simply was not effective when practicing such. He achieved success on the world stage when he was given the freedom to play how he wanted. Pele was simply a genius of movement and coordination. "Ginga" is an old Brazilian style of play, so he did not invent it. That being said, not many people had success using it. Pele changed that narrative and used it to its fullest extent, becoming the greatest player of all time in the process.


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