Thursday, March 1, 2012

"Epidermal Electronics' 

These electronics are very thin and react with a person's skin. They are easy to use, and discrete; they are applied the same way as a temporary tattoo. Some people created the flexible by using ink on paper or other malleable materials. Other people found that the easiest way to make the gadgets flexible was to make the actual circuits bendable. Although there have been successes, the greatest problem to date is finding a material that can exactly as flexible as human skin.  The breakthroughs so far have concerned mimicking the make up of human skin as well as creating circuits and other materials small even to be functional.

Eventually these materials can be used to replace more bulky counterparts. For example, tests on both the throat and chest (to monitor the heart) successfully proved that the smaller materials were cohesive with human skin and could adequately transmit data.

Scientists hope that in the future the technology can be advanced so that it can be placed on any part of the body and transmit signals. Scientists are also working to include control of all biological practices (including neuron transmission and particle movement).

As the Creative Brain says, creativity is made up of originality, utility, being a product of some kind, being a creation and coming from the brain of a person that can be directly connected to their final product (Andreasen 17). The "epidermal electronics" are a unique idea that will drastically change the world of modern medicine, fulfilling the qualifications for creation, originality and utility. I was unable to find a specific person given credit for this new technology but the groups of scientists that are accredited with the discoveries are very well received in the scientific community and are dedicated to to the advancement and implementation of these products.

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