Saturday, February 11, 2023

Looking into the vocabulary of Bronze Age Pervert

I want to make it clear before I start that in writing this post, I am by no means endorsing the ideology of who I am discussing.  I bring this subject to your attention purely because of the amount of success and increasing prevalence he has received.

The ‘creative’ at hand is the internet po(a)ster, author, bodybuilder, and podcaster known as Bronze Age Pervert, or simply BAP.  This man remains anonymous under that title (there are speculations about his real-life but this post is focusing on his virtual persona), and goes so far as to talk in a caricatured, sleazy Slavic accent on his podcast, Caribbean Rhythms.  He has made himself immensely popular in specific areas of the online right.  His manner of posting, or as it is considered in the communities he infiltrates, poasting, is erratic, filled with purposeful misspellings and words only known to his followers or affiliates.  He follows suit with this type of verbiage all throughout the self-published book he sells over Amazon titled Bronze Age Mindset.  This book is a jarring attempt at internet age philosophy merging archaic ideals with 19th century German philosophy and a distaste for modernity.  The book, littered with invocations of “frens” and “frogs” and questions of “wat mean”, ranges from sensible realizations about the world through uncited recollections of history to full on advocacy for white supremacy, eugenics, and subjugation of female counterparts, especially through the use of prostitutes.

Ever true to form, a trademark post of his includes a post-coital shot of an escort facelessly holding his book for the camera with a caption calling her a “prostie”.  Yet despite the shoving of chauvinistic heterosexuality down the throats of followers, BAP seems to also endorse the pederastic tradition of the ancient Greeks.  It is commonplace nowadays to say “the Greeks were gay”, but that isn’t really the right word, they had institutions in place for the formulaic rape of young boys.  And this understanding of that tradition is lauded by BAP.  Calling him gay for this attitude is a favorite among his most steadfast haters.  These haters are many, as could be imagined, but include people of all sides.  For one, with the obsession with pre-antiquity, BAP is not Christian, which alienates a lot of the hyper-online right-wing sphere.  It is hard to effectively hate on him, however, at least to his vigilant followers, as the views he actually holds are so convoluted and muddied by both the way he expresses himself and the way he is interpreted.  A lot of what he posts is unserious.  He weekly hashtags #hentaifridays where he posts the only “women” he is attracted to: bizarrely proportionate baby-faced anime “waifus”.   Further, he has claimed that women’s bodies cannot be beautiful so far as they are functional; aesthetic beauty only exists for beauty’s sake.  This explains his affinity for bodybilt young studs, who he posts and perhaps thirsts over more than any woman or waifu.  He cares very much about building a sculpted Grecco-Roman “fizeek” and encourages followers to work towards one themselves.

Redundant to even say out loud, but much of his fans are incels.  Incel culture is notorious for originating trends that go on to permeate less radical, more mainstream internet avenues.  That process seems to be happening with BAP talking points and original words.  Many of these words have been in his circulation for years, but their recent prevalence is the very thing that inspired me to write this.  One that I have seen an uptick in lately is “longhouse” which makes reference to nomadic history and refers to, generally, the verbal abuse husbands face from their ugly and old wives, and more broadly the constraints felt by living in current society, which BAP considers matriarchal.  To combat a woman who has longhoused him, he might call her a “roastie”.  This definition is going to sound so vulgar and obnoxious so forgive me, but it is a term for a woman who has participated in so much casual sex with multiple partners that her genitals are mutilated to the point of looking like, well, roast beef.  This concept is popular over the internet but the use of this term converts it from a concept to something you can reduce a woman to.  Of course that is not how vaginas work, but he’s a humanities devotee, not a scientist.

The coining and use of these terms is the creative endeavor for which I have included him in the conversation on this site.  While I personally hold that academically categorizing creativity is itself a perverse way to understand human nature, that is the subject matter of this class and I must abide.  I think, based on the Smith and Ward reading, BAP exhibits remote association habits.  He can take stories of ancient heroes and relate it to how man should be functioning in contemporary society.  His thought process is far from what one could expect from average classicism and relies solely on what is conjured in the head, rather than peer-reviewed sources.  Further, the article mentioned how this method of creativity was first observed in schizophrenic patients, and it is no secret that many of BAP’s readers are themselves schizophrenic.  Perhaps they, instinctually, recognize this mutual thought process, causing such affinity.


  1. BAP is a very interesting personality, and the type of niche he fills in social media is on the rise, as you said. I think it is important that you brought up the inconsistencies of his thoughts online as it highlights the over the top nature of his character, and possibly his true self. While it is not the "conventional" creativity the the sphere of social media, especially on Twitter is making room for new "celebrities". While the words he creates are true to his character, the amount that people use these words speaks to the influence BAP has, both good and bad. I agree with the remote association habits reflecting his through processes, and the subsequent following of like-minded incels.

  2. I think what is most interesting about BAP is the permeation of these ideas through the online right. Different ideological groups absorb/appropriate his concepts to different degrees, based on their own beliefs. Even the online hyper-religious right utilizes "roastie" to degrade the sexually promiscuous as well as "fizeek," while they simultaneously recognize him as a hypocrite or decry him as a homosexual. This obviously speaks to the shared, underlying perspective of these groups regarding women as property and the desire to be strong/attractive (presumably to acquire further "property"). It may also be a symptom of dissociation from BAP. The ubiquity of some phrases over the years obscures their origin. This is in the same way that the use of the term "based" began with groypers, before being used by the chronically online regardless of their political affiliation. Regardless, I think that the human capacity to identify in-group and out-group traits (and creatively/offensively describe them) is very interesting.

  3. BAP is strangely emblematic of modern online culture, in all of the worst possible ways. Instead of using his creativity and capabilities for content creation to spread positivity or create meaningful content, he takes pride in tearing down of other people, reducing anyone who doesn't fit his narrow definition of an equal to the status of an object for either his own pleasure or his intentional malice. In his content and his online niche, he embodies a strange duality, where he both makes hateful content and becomes the target for hate from other rightwing groups and content "creators" who generally share his same beliefs. He pushes for a "return" to an imagined rightwing past while being excluded and ridiculed for the things he says by the people that make up his main fanbase. BAP embodies his attempts at creativity by living a lifestyle that attracts both equally delusional fans and disgusted onlookers, who treat with horrified fascination, two influences that work not only to condition him to perpetuate his particular brand of bigotry, but encourage him and his followers to move even farther off the deep end by increasing their social and cultural isolation. BAP's "creative" output of slurs, buzzwords, and use of remote association to reinterpret the past to suit his worldview create a vicious cycle for those that consume his content, wherein every attempt to debunk or push against their hateful ideology are reframed as a personal attack and "proof" that the world really is out to get them, keeping them even more isolated.


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