Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Pollan Nation

            Journalist. Mind-opener. Activist. Truther.

Call him what you will, Michael Pollan is not your average author. He’s managed what a remarkable few are able to do: tell Americans what they should eat and actually get them to listen. What makes his advice so appetizing? Perhaps most noticeable is his level of engagement.

“Many people today seem perfectly content eating at the end of an industrial food chain, without a thought in the world; this book is probably not for them. There are things in it that will ruin their appetites. But in the end this is a book about the pleasures of eating, the kinds of pleasures that are only deepened by knowing.”

Image result for michael pollan
With this, Pollan leaves the reader at a thoughtful place at the end of the introduction to The Omnivore’s Dilemma, a book addressing the US’s turbulent relationship with food and fads. Aware that turning the pages means embarking on a journey that’ll at the very least shift their perspective, if not initiate an entire change in lifestyle, the reader accepts responsibility over their decision to proceed. Pollan removes himself from the position to force-feed this the reader a change in consciousness, and instead assumes the role of educator. How he chooses to present information reveals why his books are both convincing and popular.

Image result for michael pollanBoth Pollan’s writing style and his approach make the material he produces incredibly easy to digest. He immerses himself in his journalistic-style writing by personally engaging with the topics he covers, and he reports more than comments. In Omnivore’s Dilemma, Pollan isn’t pushing his own plant-based agenda – as a lifelong meat-eater, he was completely out of his comfort zone as he searched for the morally and scientifically correct way to eat. The novice perspective made sure to wash out any and all traces of obnoxiousness in his writing, and it allows his informative message to reach even the most skeptical of ears. By following his route towards gaining a better understanding of the food industry and its effect on human (and ecological) health, the readers themselves gradually come to grips with the current state of affairs and decides on their own actions to take. 
Related imagePollan addresses an even more radical notion than healthy diets in How to Change Your Mind, a book that attempts to dispel stigmas against the use of psychadelic drugs for medical purposes. Pollan approaches the use of mind-altering substances for therapy and spiritual growth with an even-tempered, unpolarizing style. He makes his minimal knowledge of psychedelics painfully apparent with a series of humbling personal anecdotes, and embraces his outsider status.
 His creativity is nearly unquestionable. Pollan possesses several factors that of Sternberg’s psychometric analysis claimed were typical of creatives: lack of conventionality, and integration, and perspicacity. He specifically set out to debunk societal stigmas and myths with science and honest truth, and due to his engaging approach, is exceedingly successful. Pollan’s message remain impactful long after his books are put down. He’s proven himself a creator whose ideas can never truly be shelved.



  1. I found it very interesting how Pollan was able to step so far out of his comfort zone and write a book from a completely opposite and unknown point of view. It's clear that he had a tremendous amount of motivation, somewhere, that allowed him to be so creative and successful. I think that he was able to get his point across with his creative writing rather than having to force it on readers.

  2. I think that Pollan is such a unique figure in journalism because of his ability to become so engrossed in the topic he is writing on. For instance, when researching for his book, How to Change Your Mind, Pollan experimented with many of the psychedelic substances that were discussed in the book in order to develop a better understanding how they can potentially be used to treat a variety of illnesses. This unique approach to research and writing just goes to show how genuinely passionate he is about his work.

  3. I think what is really interesting is how Pollan takes it upon himself to practice these ideas that he shares. Whether it is his diet or the use of drugs, Pollan isn't afraid to shake up his very foundations of living in order to find something new. That is the level of creativity people aspire to.


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