Sunday, February 16, 2025

David Baker

David Baker won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry last year for the development of Rosetta Commons which is a platform for scientists to work together to develop novel protein structures.

Proteins perform all the important functions in the human body and have been the subject of intense study for years. Until recently, the study of proteins was mainly focused on identifying and characterizing existing proteins and trying to alter their function to fight diseases, for example. It was not until Baker’s work that the idea of creating entirely new proteins was considered feasible.

The Rosetta software was originally developed by Baker’s lab to look at protein sequences and predict their structure. They later realized they could use the software in reverse to deign new proteins with specific functions. Proteins constructed like this could possibly have the capability to target cancer cells or neutralize viruses. In 2022, Baker developed a protein that was capable of inhibiting SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic.

Much like Jennifer Dowdna, Baker was working on the fringes of the scientific community and ended up with a technology that is capable of things no one could have imagined a few years before. Just like gene editing, protein design will have a massive impact on combating disease.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ben!!
    I think that creatives in the scientific lens are fascinating and incredibly influential. I enjoy learning about how the love and drive to further biology and chemistry is beneficial for humans. Baker's work with proteins is very groundbreaking. It appears that both him and Doudna have very similar characteristics and motivations for their research. There is an end goal for both of them; to improve the health/lives of others. Both of these creatives seek to push the limits of science, which speaks volumes not only of their ability, but also of their creativity. These creatives are important and help to elevate much of the population.


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