Monday, March 16, 2015

Stan Lee, The Real SuperHero

Image result for stan lee

The Amazing Spider-man, The Avengers, The Fantastic Four. All of these characters have something in common beside all having super powers. These are all fictional characters that were developed in part by Stanley Martin Lieber, better known today as Stan Lee. Stan started his career at Timely Comics at 1939. Timely Comics at the time was a subsidiary of Martin Goodman's company Pulp Magazine. Eventually, the comics developed and in the 1960s Timely became Marvel comics, the brand recognized throughout the world today. 

Image result for marvel

Stan however, would start his career off in Captain America #3, with the filler text "Captain America Foils the Traitor's Revenge". This helped Lee move into actual comic creation and co-created a few lesser known characters such as the Destroyer in Mystic Comics #6 in 1941. He was involved in other projects similar to this but his career really took off when he started to create with his colleague Jack Kirby. They were in charge with creating gripping comics that could compete with the DC blockbusters such as Justice League of America and other titles which were dominating in the "Golden Age" of comics. In 1961, the debuted their first big creation; the Fantastic Four.
After the debut of the Fantastic Four, Stan and Jack went on a creative bender, producing such loved characters such as the Incredible Hulk, Spider-man, and the X-men. He continued to develop his world of super powered individuals, and gained a lot of status as a result of his successful story lines and creative characters. Stan Lee was promoted to editorial director in 1972 and moved to the west coast in order to kick off Marvel's films. These films today include The Avengers and the X-Men series and several other stand off movies such as Guardians of the Galaxy, which have all become very successful.

                                                      Image result for spiderman comicImage result for spiderman comic

Overall, Stan Lee is a man who defined an era. He created some of the most recognizable fictional characters today, and those characters have been popular for over 50 years. He redefined comics as a whole and brought about many changes including the big move from paper comics into comics on the big screen. He was a big driver for the current comic culture that exists today.

Other Sources To Check Out;
Stan Lee. (2015). The website. Retrieved 04:32, Mar 16, 2015, from

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